Personel Data Protection

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Data Controller: Koral Turizm ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi

Kemal Seyfettin Elgin Bulvarı 164. Sokak No2 Marmaris Muğla 48700


Koral Turizm ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi ("Koral"or "Company") in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (KVKK) and relevant legislation for the purposes of the Company Regarding the personal data we process within the scope of our activities, our visitors, customers, potential service buyers, employee candidates, employees, business partners, platform users and other third parties; We have prepared this clarification text in order to inform real persons, including individuals.


Which of Your Data is Collected and What Is Our Purpose of Collecting Data?


We collect the following data within the scope of our company activities:

  1. Identity Information
  2. Contact Information
  3. To Family Members Related Information
  4. Identity Verification, Security and Tracking Information
  5. Financial Information
  6. Personnel Information
  7. Educational Information
  8. /li>
  9. Other Data


Data Category



Data related to the identification of the person.

From whom?

We collect identity information from our employee candidates, employees, customers, potential service buyers, platform users, Business Partners and our visitors.


Name, surname, gender, TR identity number, SSI registration number, nationality, marital status, date of birth, place of birth, passport number, drivers license number, vehicle license information, population; Data such as ID/ID copy, drivers license copy, passport copy .

The purpose of data collection

&Ccedl;we collect the identity information of our employees in order to carry out human resources activities for the position applied for.


&Cced; We collect their information within the scope of our obligations arising from work and social security, tax, etc. legislation.


Identity information of our customers to which we are subject To fulfill our obligations in contracts, if any, as per the legislation and in order to provide support services, our obligations arising from commercial requirements and laws. We collect it for advertising and marketing purposes, for auditing and security purposes.


Legal burden of identity information from our platform users. We collect in order to fulfill our obligations.


We collect the identity information of our visitors for the purpose of ensuring security at the entrance and exit of the building and for the service relationship that may be established in the future. .


Commercial requirements such as the issuance of invoices, audit processes, joint business follow-up, and We collect in order to fulfill our obligations arising from the law and our obligations in contracts.

Legal reason for data collection

The main reason for collecting the aforementioned data is the obligations in the relevant legislation.


In addition, the relationship between us and the relevant persons ;We also collect identity information due to the settlement relationship.


We sometimes collect identity information in accordance with our legitimate interests and Company policies we adopt.

Data collection method

We collect data through printed forms, sometimes directly in electronic media, through internal common areas and electronic devices.


Data Category

Contact Information


Personal data that enables communication with the person.

From whom?

We collect identity information from our employee candidates, employees, customers, potential service buyers, platform users, Business Partners and visitors.


Data such as electronic mail address, residence address, postal address, workplace address, workplace name and title, home phone number, mobile phone number, other telephone and fax number.

Purpose of data collection

&Cedil;we collect the contact information of our employees in order to carry out human resources activities for the position applied for.


Ccedil;contact information of our employees Labor and social security, tax etc. We collect the contact information of our customers within the scope of our obligations arising from the legislation. We collect for advertising and marketing purposes, for auditing processes and for security purposes, in order to fulfill our obligations in any agreements with our obligations.


We collect contact information from our platform users in order to fulfill our legal obligations.


We collect the contact information of our visitors for the purpose of ensuring security at the entrance and exit of the building and due to the service relationship that may be established in the future. In order to provide business and support services, our obligations arising from commercial requirements and laws such as the issuance of invoices, audit processes, joint business follow-up, and our obligations in contracts. we collect to fulfill.

Legal reason for data collection

The main reason for collecting the aforementioned data is the obligations in the relevant legislation.


In addition, the relationship between us and the relevant persons ;We also collect identity information due to the settlement relationship.


We sometimes collect contact information in accordance with our legitimate interests and Company policies we adopt.

Data collection method

We collect data through printed forms, sometimes directly in electronic media, through internal common areas and electronic devices.


Data Category

Information on Family Members


Personal data belonging to the family members of the person concerned.

From whom?

We collect data on family members from our customers and employees.


Name, surname, gender, TR identity number, marital status information, number of children, education status, income status and financial information, contact information, health information and medical information of family members, marriage It is data such as a copy of the certificate, birth certificate of the children, a registered birth certificate.

The purpose of data collection

We collect the information of our employees family members within the scope of our obligations arising from work and social security, tax, etc. legislation.


In accordance with the legislation to which we are subject and in order to provide support services, the information of our customers family members, our obligations arising from commercial requirements and laws, and our obligations in any contracts, if any. In order to fulfill our duties, we collect for advertising and marketing purposes, for auditing processes and for security purposes.

Legal reason for data collection

The main reason for collecting the aforementioned data is the obligations in the relevant legislation.


In addition, the relationship between us and the relevant persons We also collect information about family members due to the negotiation relationship.


Sometimes, in accordance with our legitimate interests and Company principles, for purposes such as contacting in case of emergency. we collect this data.

Data collection method

We collect data through printed forms, sometimes directly in electronic media, through internal common areas and electronic devices.


Data Category

Authentication, Security and Tracking Information


Personal data such as passwords of the relevant person, CCTV Records, Physical Access and Login & Exit Records.

From whom?

We collect Authentication, Security and Tracking data from our customers and visitors.


Data collected within the scope of authentication, security and tracking data are data such as passwords of the person, CCTV Records, Physical Access and Login and Exit Records.

The purpose of data collection

Our customers Authentication, Security and Tracking data is required for auditing processes, for advertising and marketing purposes, to fulfill our contractual obligations We collect for the purpose of safety and security.

We collect the Authentication, Security and Tracking data of our visitors for advertising and marketing purposes, for auditing processes and for security purposes.< /p>

Legal reason for data collection

The main reason for collecting the said data is the contractual relationship between us and the data subjects.


Sometimes, in accordance with our legitimate interests and Company principles, For example, we collect this data for purposes such as advertising, marketing or security.

Data collection method

We collect data through printed forms, sometimes directly in electronic media, through internal common areas and electronic devices.


Data Category

Financial Data


Data such as bank account information, credit card information, billing information.

From whom?

We collect financial information from our employees and customers.


Bank account information, debit card information, credit card information, signature circulars, income information, assets information, payroll information, minimum income reduction information, information about disability tax liability, such as salary lien. loss of financial cutsThey are data like lines.

The purpose for which the data was collected

We can share our employees financial information on employment and social security, tax, etc. We collect the financial information of our customers within the scope of our obligations arising from the legislation. in order to fulfill our obligations under any contracts with our obligations, for advertising and marketing purposes, for auditing processes and for security purposes .

Legal reason for data collection

The main reason for the collection of the mentioned data is due to the relevant legislation. They are financial obligations.


We also collect financial information due to the contractual relationship we have with the relevant persons.


Sometimes, in accordance with our legitimate interests and Company policies, we collect financial information, for example, to include our employees in campaigns or promotions provided by the banks or other financial institutions we cooperate with.

Data collection method

We collect data through printed forms, and sometimes directly in electronic media, through internal common areas and electronic devices.


Data Category

Payment Data


This is the necessary information for a seamless business relationship.

From whom?

We collect personnel data from our employee candidates, our employees, and .


Position/title information, diplomas and certificates, employment history and details, resume, education status, SGK employment statement, SGK dismissal statement, blood type, employment entry Data such as health report, criminal record, disability report, ex-convict report, administrative and annual leave information, other health reports, photographs, insurance data, military status information.

Purpose of data collection

&Cedil;we collect the contact information of our candidates in order to carry out human resources activities for the position applied for.


&Cedil;employees personal data in the service contract we made with them, employment and social security, tax, etc. We collect it within the scope of our obligations arising from the legislation we are subject to and in accordance with our legitimate interests.


Legal reason for data collection

The main reason for collecting the data in question is the obligations in the relevant legislation.


In addition, We also collect glossary information due to the contractual relationship.


Sometimes, in accordance with our legitimate interests and Company principles we adopt, for example, placing employees in suitable positions g We collect this data for the following purposes.

Data collection method

We collect data through printed forms, and sometimes directly in electronic media, through internal common areas and electronic devices.



Data Category

Educational Information


This is the necessary information for the smooth continuation of the service to be provided within the scope of the contractual relationship.

From whom?

We collect training data from our employees and candidates.


Position/title information, diplomas and certificates, work history and details, resume, education level, SGK employment statement, SGK dismissal statement, blood type, criminal record records, other health reports, photographs, insurance data, military status information.

The purpose of data collection

The training data of our employee and employee candidates, in accordance with the legislation we are subject to and in order to provide support service, our obligations arising from commercial requirements and laws, and our obligations in any agreements, if any. In order to fulfill our obligations, we collect for advertising and marketing purposes, for auditing processes and for security purposes.

Legal reason for data collection

The main reason for collecting the aforementioned data is the obligations in the relevant legislation.


In addition, the relationship between us and the relevant persons We also collect property information due to the conflict relationship.


Data collection method

We collect data through printed forms, and sometimes directly in electronic media, through internal common areas and electronic devices.


Data Category

Other Data


Other data collected within the scope of our company activities.

From whom?

We collect this data from our visits.


Data such as the person visited, the reason for the visit, the day visited and the date.

The purpose of data collection

Visitors visit information is collected in order to identify potential service buyers.


We also collect this data for security reasons.

Legal reason for data collection

The main reason for the collection of the data in question is the obligations in the relevant legislation.


Sometimes, legitimate prohibition We collect this data in accordance with our activities and the Company policies we adopt, for example, to increase the quality of the service provided or for security purposes.

Method of data collection

We collect data through printed forms, and sometimes directly in electronic media, through internal common areas and electronic devices.


Your Personal Data Ü&cced;" Are We Transferring to a Person?

Due to the legal regulations in our country, identity information, contact information and many other personal data listed above; Places expressly authorized in the legislation and periodically or requests of authorized authorities


In addition, it is shared with an authorized person or institution upon the request of a court decision and an administrative authority expressly authorized by law.


Otherwise, your personal data,  Business Partners and Procurements are shared with official institutions on a limited basis for the purpose of performance of service and fulfillment of contractual obligations.


Do We Transfer Your Personal Data Abroad?

Your personal data is only;

  • with your explicit consent,
  • KVKK Where the foreseeable circumstances exist and there is sufficient protection in the country to which the data will be transferred, and there are situations that appear in the KVKK, and despite the lack of adequate protection in the country to be transferred, sufficient protection is not available. It can be transferred abroad if it is committed by the relevant country and in the presence of one of the cases where the permission of the Personal Data Protection Board (“Board);



For example, if the service is provided through a company abroad, In order for the contract to be fulfilled and for the said service to be fulfilled, the information must be transferred abroad. For this reason, if the transfer in question is not consented to, the performance of the contract that is the subject of the service mentioned in the first sentence will become impossible.


Your Personal Data How Long Will It Be Stored?

The storage period of your personal data is as follows:

  • Some time to store data in the law or in the relevant legislation; If re is determined, the data in question must be kept for at least this period. A possible court request or a request by an administrative authority authorized by law regarding the relevant data is passed to us; The storage period is determined by adding a period of 6 months to 1 year to the periods stipulated in the legislation for the storage of your data, taking into account the possibilities such as At the end of the period, the data in question is deleted.
  • In the legislation, if there is no period for the storage of the data we process, as a requirement of the relationship between us and with you; Your data is stored for the period determined in the agreement. After this relationship ends or after the period determined in the contract, your data is deleted, destroyed or anonymized without your request. If you request that it be deleted before the time expires, your request will not be able to be carried out. If you make a request for the deletion of your data, immediately or at the latest; It will be deleted within 6 months.


What are your Rights You Can Use Regarding Your Personal Data?

Regarding your personal data;

  • Learning whether your personal data is being processed,
  • Requesting information if your personal data has been processed,
  • Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with its purpose,
  • In Turkey or abroad, to which your personal data is transferred, knowing the persons,
  • Requesting the correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
  • deletion of your personal data in accordance with the conditions set forth in the KVKK legislation, or requesting its destruction,
  • When you request the deletion or destruction of your personal data by correcting incomplete or incorrect data, this is the third party to which we transfer your personal data; requesting notification to persons,
  • Objecting to the result in case of a result against you by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems, and
  • You incur losses due to unlawful processing of personal data You have the right to demand the removal of this damage

in case of any damage.

How Can You Exercise Your Rights?

Relevant Person, personal data your request regarding;

  • Wet signed and written petition or Koral KVK Application Form with a copy of the identity card Fasting; By sending it to Reis Mahallesi Giyimkent Caddesi No:2 Atışalanı-Esenler / Istanbul,
  • Apply to the Company in person with a valid identity document, and a written petition with wet signature or Koral via KVK Application Form
  • Using a registered electronic mail (KEP) address and a secure electronic signature or mobile signature [email protected] by sending it to our registered e-mail address,
  • from the e-mail address previously notified to the Company by the Relevant Person and registered in the Companys system [email protected] and send it to our address


According to the Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles to Data Controller, İ Name, surname, signature if the application is written, T.C. ID number, (passport number if the applicant is a foreigner), residence or workplace address for notification, e-mail address, telephone number and fax number, if any, as well as information on the subject of the request.

The Relevant Person must clearly and comprehensibly state the subject requested in the application containing the explanations regarding the right he/she will make and demand to use in order to use the above-mentioned rights. Information and documents related to the application must be attached to the application.

Although the subject of the request must be related to the applicants person, if acting on behalf of someone else, the applicant must be specifically authorized in this regard and this authority must be documented (letname) is required. In addition, the application must include identity and address information, and documents confirming identity must be attached to the application.

Unauthorized Third; Requests made by individuals on behalf of others will not be taken into consideration.


How Long Will Your Requests Regarding the Processing of Your Personal Data Be Answered?

Your claims regarding your personal data will be evaluated and, at the latest, from the date they reach us; Responded within 30 days. In the event that your application is evaluated negatively, the grounds for refusal are sent to the address you specified in the application, by e-mail or postal mail, by one of the methods selected in the Related Person Application Form.

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